Green Lasers :
Green lasers are the mainstream of today's laser industry. From industrial to research to novelty's and beyond, the green laser beam is the epitome of laser science and technology. Operating at 532nm of the visible wavelength, the brilliant green beam is conceived by an infrared 808nm diode pumped into an (Nd:YVO4) crystal creating a frequency doubled wavelength at 1064nm and doubled once again using a KTP (potassium titanyl phosphate) crystal and finally the beam passes through an IR filter to attenuate the IR to produce the green beam at 532nm. This process creates an efficiency at about 20 ~ 35%. Typically a 808nm IR Diode with an output of 2.5 W will produce roughly 450 ~ 500mW of 532nm final output.
High powered greenies have become so popular that Do-It-Yourself'ers, hobbyist and enthusiasts have created a host of experiments ranging from popping balloons, melting plastic, cutting tape, etching leather surfaces and other types of visual eye candy. Creating laser tunnels with fog machines, scanning and laser shows with portable scanners, creating laser figured with characterized lenses are a regular part of the enthusiasm with green lasers.
Solid state green laser diodes are coming online and will ultimately negate the use of DPSS (Diode Pumped Solid State) crystal arrays. Soon we will see a myriad of highly efficient solid state green laser diodes replacing the age old DPSS indirect process. Cost and performance of DPSS green lasers will become more affordable as newer technology ramps production of solid state green diodes.