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Military Lasers :


Military lasers are used in a variety of applications. Example; The ATL or Advanced Tactical Laser is an airborne offensive laser system based on chemical oxygen iodine process or (COIL) and is used to reduce collateral damage in urban environments by using a C130H as a platform for this weapon system. Other military lasers such as MTHEL or Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser, is a ground based system and is a chemical laser based on deuterium fluoride. The purpose of the MTHEL is to provide an aerial defense against incoming rockets, missiles, artillery, mortars, basically a short range ballistic target weapon.

Ground forces use a variety of small arms weapon mountable lasers such as the AN/PEQ-2A which is a 50mW 820 ~850nm IR laser found on the M16/M4 family of CQB weapons. These lasers assist night vision equipment and conceals the points of origin, making this laser system very stealthy. Operation Iraqi Freedom, gave birth to newer tools that utilize high powered visible lasers. Operating at the 532nm wavelength with over 300mW of output, for the first time MOUT trained soldier deployed with highly visible green laser dazzlers to suppress incoming VIED or Vehicle-borne Improvised Explosive Device at check points throughout the theater.

Other uses of high powered military lasers, suppressing the opposition by temporarily blinding sniper positions, pointing and directing fire to specific targets, distraction devices, psychological warfare to dazzle and confuse the enemy are just some of the ways military lasers are used. With portable hand-held lasers approaching CLASS IV power and output, the uses of tactical lasers are becoming a new non-lethal alternative to using lethal kinetic ammunitions. CLASS IV lasers are producing over 500mW of output and are slowly becoming part of the military arsenals to provide non-lethal engagements in sensitive areas of operations.






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Equilateral Prism 25mm
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Precision 12.5mm Front surface mirror
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