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IR Lasers :


Infrared lasers or IR lasers are propagated at the invisible wavelength of the light spectrum. IR's frequency is between visible light (near infrared) and microwave (far infrared). Infrared radiation has wavelengths between approximately 1 mm and 750 nm, spanning five orders of magnitude. Most IR lasers are tuned to 808nm, 980nm, 1064nm respectively. This gives lasers invisible characteristics and is used extensively in both military and civilian operations and markets.

Military uses a variety of IR Lasers from target acquisition to target tracking, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and so on. Weapon mountable PEQ-II IR Lasers typically operate at the 820-850nm wavelength with an power output of 50mW. These types of IR lasers provide invisible flood light and laser beam propagation to assist in night time operations which are used in conjunction with night vision equipment to enhance visibility on the night time battlefield.

Civilian uses of IR and IR Lasers include communications, spectroscopy, law enforcement, security and manufacturing to name a few. Commercial applications like cutting, welding, scanning, range finding are some of the more typical uses of IR Lasers. One aspect of IR lasers are the risk and dangers associated with invisible laser usage. Invisible laser beams can cause serious injury to organic material such as eyes, based on the fact the human response system does not react to what it cannot see, therefore IR lasers can cause damage without the end user realizing its damaging effects. Always were laser attenuation goggles when using lasers of any kind.






Precision 8 x 25mm fl. Laser Achromat
Now $13.98
Precision 12.5mm Front surface mirror
Now $4.49
Diffraction Grating Set
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Precision Cube Beam Splitter 20mm
Now $34.98


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