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Premium +40mW Green Laser
Premium +40mW Green Laser

Output power is verified with a Coherent FieldMaster GS
power meter and test results are recorded on the instruction sheet.
These lasers typically have 1-3mW of IR; however this is not counted
towards the +40mW total of 532nm.


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Price: US $72.00
57.83 GBP 103.26 CAD 69.39 EUR

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6 Product Reviews - Average rating 9.7 (Show All)

40mW Premium Green Pointer Review

Matthew Mohr - 16th February 2015

I purchased the 40mW Premium Green Pointer last week, at a cost of $80.00USD. For the quality of the laser, I can honestly say that I expected a lot more money out of my pocket, but, that is simply not the case! The quality, the craftsmanship, the reliability of the laser, everything is amazing, and, everything I would expect in a premium advertised product.

I purchased this laser, not for astronomy, or for presentations, or for pointing at aircraft(though, I concede I have already used it to point out our neighborhood Jovian planets to my relatives, when they had trouble looking!). I didn't even purchase it for testing, leveling, or anything else of the like. I purchased this laser for my half-blind, 19-year old cat, who just happens to go absolutely ballistic over lasers. The poor girl was getting depressed, due to her blindness, and, I turned to the one thing I knew would cheer her up. I was not disappointed in my purchase! The laser is dazzlingly bright, perfect for my little girl to be able to see cle...

Great product!

Francesco Buonfiglioli - 07th May 2014

This is my first >5mW green laser and I'm very impressed! Great quality laser, good service and fast delivery!
Sure I'm going to talk of your products to mine friends and relatives!
In the future, if I'll have to buy a new laser, I will do business with you again surely!

PS: The only one little bad thing is the case, because it doesn't have a clip to maintain it close...but this isn't a big problem!!

Great Product

Kurt - 13th November 2013

I've had this laser for about a week and I honestly have no complaints about its performance. The beam is visible at night and even in dimly lit rooms. I highly recommend this laser: it's a good balance between having too much power that you can't use it recreationally and not being able to see the beam very well.

However, the laser came in a very cheap box with slots for batteries but no batteries, but I don't even care when I use the laser because the laser itself is quality.

Also, this site has great customer service.



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